Monday, Sep. 01, 1924
Arrived at Cuxhaven on the Deutschland Gen. Plutarco Elias Calles, President-elect of Mexico. The General was given a hearty welcome by numerous German functionaries, including the famed Baron von Schoen, German Ambassador to France at the time of the outbreak of the War. The Mexican Minister to Germany was also present. Gen. Calles will, it was asserted, consult the celebrated spinal specialist, Prof. Krause, who, a few years ago, lectured in the U. S. and Prof. Bier, who treated Hugo Stinnes, late "King of Coke."
One Bernhard Jantos, ex-German soldier believed dead, startled his relatives by knocking at the door. He had just arrived from Siberia, having spent nearly ten years there in prison. He said that there was still a large number of German prisoners of war in Siberia. The German Government took immediate steps to repatriate the men.
Gertrude, Lady Decies, is the name of that journalist wife of the fourth Baron. Last week, she said in the Daily Mirror, Manhattan gum-chewers sheetlet: "From a friend actually at Court, I learn that the former Emperor of Germany has been making personal overtures to resume friendly relations with King George and Queen Mary. He has personally written to King George, but no return gesture is likely to be forthcoming. The ex-Kaiser has recently bought all the available pictures of the Prince of Wales, in whose doings he affects a genuine interest."