Monday, Aug. 18, 1924
Floridian Jews
If the Secretary of the St. Petersburg, Fla., Chamber of Commerce has his way, that city will shelter no son of Abraham, or of Isaac, or of Jacob. He, James Coad, desires to maintain the neighborly spirit which he reckons to be one of the chief assets of the locality. Said he:
"St. Petersburg is a city of homes. It has no slums. I believe that the influx of foreigners here (and I class the Jews as foreigners) is detrimental to the city and would tend to produce slums and destroy the neighborly feeling that is now an asset here. ... I know that many Jewish families plan to come here in the Fall, and that two Jews will come here to enter the real estate business. I believe the time has come to draw the line against all foreigners and make this a 100% American and Gentile city. There are inevitable slums where there are many foreigners, and we want to be able to continue to brag that we have no slums here."