Monday, Aug. 11, 1924


Publisher Hearst, mindful of the patrimony he must one day bequeath George, W. R. Jr., John Randolph and Elbert Hearst, bethought him the time had come when the eldest son should learn to tend his father's journalistic flocks. So George, aged 19, was marched into the offices of the San Francisco Examiner, and introduced as the new assistant publisher, acting chief. This was thought proper and fitting because the Examiner's clientele was the first flock Publisher Hearst himself tended as a youth. He had it from his father, even as George now has it from his. Whether or not the vast numbers of other Hearst sheep will be divided between W. R. Jr., John, Randolph and Elbert or entrusted to George alone, remains to be seen. The others are 16, 14 and 8 (twins) respectively, still in school, may go to college. George, a student at the University of California, eloped in March. 1923, with Blanche Louise Wilbur a fellow student. (TIME, Apr. 7, 1923).