Monday, Aug. 11, 1924

Furtwaengler Coming

The New York Philharmonic Society has announced that Wilhelm Furtwaengler, famed German composer and conductor, will shake his baton before the Philharmonic orchestra this Winter. He is the second guest-conductor, to be heralded-- Igor Sravinsky, Russian cacophonist, having been the first. He is fifth on the complete list of conductors. Willem van Hoogstraten will be in charge during the first half of the season and will be relieved by Willem Mengelberg. Henry K. Hadley (American) will conduct some native works.

Furtwaengler is 38, a native Berliner, with a very impressive record--pupil of the boresome, but thorough, Rheinberger, theatre Conductor at Lubeck and Zurich, successor of Artur Bodanzky at the Mannheim opera, Conductor of the Tonkuenstler Orchestra at Vienna, successor of Richard Strauss at the Berlin Opera, Director of the Berlin Musikfreunde, of the Berlin Philharmonic, of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra. On the score of previous experience, he holds his own with all newcomers.