Monday, Aug. 04, 1924

Nothing to Wear

Throughout their entire flight, the U. S. world flyers have never had any clothes except those they stood in. With the enormous gasoline loads their ships had to carry, they could not even have the luxury of the extra weight of a spare pair of socks. When they landed from arctic regions, they threw away their winter kit and bought lighter garb. Last week they were stationed at the small village of Brough on the Humber in England, having an "easy time"-- though working feverishly all day, overhauling their motors, reconditioning their planes--and purchasing new cold-weather outfits for their passage over the North Atlantic. Woolen underwear and fur-lined coats spell many gallons of gasoline. Everything unessential must be discarded, and even safety razors must disappear. Their fellow citizens will welcome gallant officers who are heavily bewhiskered.