Monday, Aug. 04, 1924


More doleful news from Persia.

It appeared that the mob that murdered the U. S. Vice Consul, Maj. Robert Imbrie (TiME, July 28), was not satisfied. When Mrs. Imbrie passed through the streets of Teheran, capital of Persia, a youth, in full view of the police, spat at her, tore her mourning veil, threw stones; the police did nothing.

Premier Reza Khan had assured the Diplomatic Corps, insistent that Major Imbrie had been murdered owing to the lack of energy displayed by the police, that all foreigners would be protected. He also expressed his horror at defaming articles, purporting to show that the Vice Consul was the victim of a British plot to embroil Persia with the U. S.

Although the Persian Government expressed its horror at the crime, said it would bring the guilty to Justice, offered Mrs. Imbrie financial indemnity, the U. S. Government in a stern note to Persia was reported to have demanded:

1) Payment of expense in connection with sending a warship for Major Imbrie's body.

2) Furnishing of a guard of honor by the Persian Government for so long as the body shall remain on Persian soil.

3) Punishment of guilty parties, including those officials who failed to prevent the outrage taking place although allegedly capable of so doing.