Monday, Aug. 04, 1924
(British Commonwealth of Nations)
Out from Portsmouth, flags flying, guns booming, shot the royal yacht Victoria and Albert--King George, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Connaught aboard. At Spithead, the King reviewed, for the first time since 1914, the British grand fleet, consisting of 194 warships, which steamed past him in four rows, each ten miles long. Ratu Rabici and Ratu Veli, Fiji Chiefs, journeyed to London to converse with King George and to thank him for the benefits of 50 years of British rule. They said that the King expressed great pleasure that the people of Fiji were happy and contented; they added: "The King asked us what sort of clothes we wear in Fiji. Did we wear the European dress that we were wearing at the moment? We explained that at home we wear loin cloths reaching to the knee and, of course, have bare head and feet." In the grounds of Buckingham Palace, King George and Queen Mary gave a Garden Party to U. S. and Canadian lawyers and to delegates to the Premiers' Conference. Three thousand guests were present. The King had notified his guests that all formalities would be waived, meaning "come as you are." Consequently, one U. S. lawyer (name unknown) went in a lounge suit and straw hat. Secretary of State and Mrs. Hughes, accompanied by Ambassador Frank B. Kel- logg, arrived at the Palace before the other guests, and had a long private talk with the King and Queen. For the rest of the afternoon they were made members of the royal circle, Secretary Hughes marching about with the King, Mrs. Hughes accompanying the Queen. The Prince of Wales has joined the Society of Bright Young People, an organization which hunts enigmatic treasures. The rumor was that the Prince had been seen in the London slums crawling on all fours along a dirty sidewalk, followed by people "prominent in social or theatrical cir- cles," searching for a clew in the "treasure hunt." The clew, discovered either by Gladys Cooper (English actress) or Talullah Bankhead (U. S. actress) led to the home (Norfolk House) of Mrs. Brown, Pittsburgh millionairess, who served them a sumptuous repast and dashing music. (None of the above facts could be verified.) . . . At a dinner to members of his Cabinet at the Wembley Exhibition, Premier MacDonald announced that he had been offered by a U. S. agency thousands of pounds for his biography, doubled if he would write a biography of Secretary of State for the Colonies "Jimmie" (J. H.) Thomas, quadrupled if he would prepare the biographies of the whole Cabinet.
At Wembley, the Pageant of the Empire began. It is 'designed to por- tray the development of the Empire. Many prominent people are among the 15,000 taking part in the spectacle, which will cost $500,000, will take three weeks to act.