Monday, Aug. 04, 1924


The Democratic candidate for the Presidency has a sense of humor and a "way" of expressing himself. Reporters took to him a question. Did he still believe, as he had professed 18 months earlier, that the Constitution should be amended to do away with the need of a two-thirds vote of the Senate to ratify a treaty and to substitute for it a majority vote of both Houses? Said Mr. Davis:

"I believe, with John Hay, that our forefathers in their wisdom fixed it so that the kickers should rule. I believe that the kickers should not rule.

"A majority is sufficient to pass a law, and a treaty strikes no more at the vitals of Government than a law. I don't know of any other civilized Government that requires more than a majority, and I don't see why this country should require it. If this be treason, make the most of it."

He had not changed his mind.