Monday, Aug. 04, 1924
Atlantan Rebuke
According to The Atlanta Constitution, the Rev. W. L. Hambrick of the
Central Baptist Church of that city, read the speech which President Coolidge made by radio to the Boy Scouts of America, and then declared in a sermon: "During the World War we justly criticised and condemned the Kaiser for referring to God as secondary--'Me and Gott.' But last Friday our own President took the liberty of moving God down a step further and put him in third place. In his radio address to the Boy Scouts of America he urged them to reverence: first, nature; second, law; third, God. "It is very unfortunate that our President should have been so careless with his thoughts and words. For in so doing, in my judgment, he has not only dishonored the office he holds, but the God we worship and serve. I think it a shame on our nation, and a slur on Christianity."