Monday, Aug. 04, 1924
Pot Pourri
P: Dry agents captured a liquor launch coming in from "Rum Row." Its skipper had an unstamped letter from a member of one of the rum-ship's crew. It read in part:
"There are so many sales here and things are four times cheaper than at home. Well, parents, this is a very exciting life out here. There are two boatloads of Chinese, Italians, Greeks, etc., all waiting to be smuggled into the States. There are also a couple of steamships with opium, heroin, morphine and cocaine, all of which is being smuggled in every day.
"There is a seaplane that comes out and loads nineteen cases which it carries on each trip, making over six trips daily. There is a launch near by and I must close. With love and kisses to all."
P:Word from Detroit announced that the following dictum had been posted in Henry Ford's factories:
"From this date on dismissal without opportunity for appeal will be the penalty imposed on any man found to have the odor of beer, wine or other liquor on his breath, or to have intoxicants on his person or in his house.
"The Eighteenth Amendment is part of the fundamental laws of this country. It was meant to be enforced and so far as our organization is concerned it is going to be enforced to the letter."
P:The Anti-Saloon League emitted word that the United States Steel Corporation, the Germania Mills (on Mt. Holyoke), the New Rochelle Coal and Lumber Co. and "the railroads," under "rule G," likewise have forbidden their employes to violate the Volstead Act.
P:The Association Against the Prohibition Amendment announced:
"During the 1924 campaign the Association, as heretofore, will take no sides in the Presidential race. It will, as heretofore, devote its efforts largely to the election of Congressional and Senatorial candidates who are friendly to modification of the Volstead Law, without regard to the party with which the candidate is affiliated.
"A prominent member of Congress during the last session made a statement that, if 60 additional 'wet' Congressmen were elected next November, it would then be possible to modify the Volstead Law. It will be the effort of the Association to obtain these 60 additional votes."
The estimate that 60 votes would change the complexion of Congress on the Prohibition issue is decidedly optimistic on the part of the Wets.