Monday, Jul. 28, 1924
In fighting conflagrations, blankets are often employed to cut off ventilation, smother the flames. Just so were the fires of revolution dealt with by the Brazilian Government when they broke out in Sao Paulo (TIME, July 15, July 21). A heavy swaddling of censorship was wrapped about the Press. For a week only official Government communiques, meagre and guarded, reached the outer world with news of the revolt.
Then the Brazilian censor swore he had found a leak. He arrested Charles M. Kinsolving, manager of the United Press in Brazil, charged him with "defiance." The American Charge d'Affaires remonstrated, Kinsolving was freed.
Within the week came news that the Brazilian Government had revoked the rights, not only of the United Press, but of the Associated Press as well, to send or receive despatches in Brazil on any news subject.
"Discrimination!" said officials of the banned services. For neither the Agencia Americana nor the Havas Agency has been restrained. The former is the official Brazilian, service, Government subsidized.
Buenos Aires newspapers condemned the Brazilian Government. The U. P. and the A. P. appealed to the U. S. State Department.