Monday, Jul. 28, 1924
In the Autumn, passengers on the principal German express trains will be able to telephone any number in Germany or to be telephoned from any point in the country. This is to be made possible by the installation of wireless outfits on the trains.
The procedure is for the passenger to call up a German city and ask to be connected with the desired number. Persons wishing to call a passenger must call up the central exchange, ask for the train and, when connected, ask for the passenger, who will then be paged.
In the Prussian Diet fair fraus and frauleins stopped a fight among the male members by jumping into the melee of fists. The scrap started when a Communist was accused of working a 13-year-old girl until four o'clock in the morning.
Deputy Prince Otto von Bismarck, grandson of the Iron Chancellor, crashed to earth in an airplane at Bamberg while on his way from Berlin to Niirnberg to attend an aviation meet. The Prince, an experienced War pilot, was not seriously injured; the machine was.
In the Bavarian Diet there was introduced a bill to prevent Jews from occupying Government posts, to forbid them to change their names, to bar them from holding land and to expel those Jews who had settled in the country since 1914 and confiscate their property.