Monday, Jul. 21, 1924
After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:
A bright chestnut beast, slightly undersized, valued at $300,000. (P. 25.)
The sun. It stood still in the midst of the heaven and hasted not to go down. (P. 23.)
A world quart. (P. 19.)
Mercersburg. She does not teach that happiness comes hand-in-hand with riches. (P. 18.)
Scotland. "She has the best public schools." (P. 18.)
The not unconvincing shape of fat Willard Louis . (P. 15.)
Editor Sedgwick. He does not "impose his personality" on the Atlantic. (P. 15.)
An energetic luminary who prefers to work. (P. 9.)
A Bishop who "jolted" his fellow Bishops. (P. 7.)
H. M. the Queen so delighted that she herself mounted the stage. (P. 8.) iSimple words from Poet Burns. (P. 7.)
A profit of over $500. (P. 26.)
A new composer of unquestioned merit. (P. 13.)
"One of the four greatest electricians in the country." (P. 18.)
"The Bull" and "The Walrus"--hard markers, kind at heart. (P. 18.)
A company of cork-droppers. (P. 30.)