Monday, Jul. 14, 1924
"New Pattis"
"New Pattis" The world of singers is finding as many "new Adelina Pattis" as the world of the pianoforte has discovered "Liszt pupils." Galli-Curci and Tetrazzini are shortly to be supplanted by a whole series of wearers of the great diva's mantle. They are announced from Italy, England, Russia.
No sooner was the boom for Toti dal Monte started, and her American triumph staged for this Winter, than news sifted through the fog of London that Dusolina Giannini had already staked out an undisputable claim as legitimate successor to Patti. Still more recently there drifts over from Moscow, via the Wolfsohn Musical Bureau, the report that Maria Kurenko, ex-criminal-law-student, will put all comers out of the running when she arrives in the U. S. in November. She has paved her way with reports of unbridled enthusiasms evoked by her appearances in Kharkov, Moscow, Riga, Helsingfors, Paris. Her birthplace is Tomsk, Siberia.