Monday, Jul. 14, 1924

Pan American Railroad

The plan for a Pan-American railroad is not new. Yet the appointment of a committee composed of representatives of South, Central and North American countries, at their joint meetings held in the Pan-American Union Building in Washington, have lent renewed interest to a project often dreamed of. The desire is to provide through railroad facilities from Manhattan to Buenos Aires-a distance of about 10,000 miles. About 7,000 miles of the route is already built, including the line from Manhattan to Guatemala. Most of the existing gaps which must be filled to complete the route lie in the northern countries of South America-Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. The representatives of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and the U. S. are the moving spirits in the enterprise, and their aim will be to urge the various nations, in whose territory sections of the proposed line are now lacking, to go ahead with the necessary construction.