Monday, Jul. 14, 1924

Mexican Elections

Election Day in Mexico was dull. Excitement had been forecast: bombs, blood, blasphemy were expected. Nothing happened. A few naughty Mexicans played with their fists, but failed to shed a drop of gore. One or two reckless citizens made off with the odd ballot box, but that was all. Nevertheless, the police and soldiers in Mexico City rushed about in armored cars, waving swords and pistols, brandishing quick-firing guns, twirling their mustachios.

First returns indicated that General Plutarco Elias Calles had won his expected victory over his rival, General Angel Flores. Little interest was shown by the electorate and the voting was light. From Mexico City it was announced that President-Elect General Plutarco Elias Calles will visit Europe during the interim *before he assumes his presidential duties. The President-Elect will visit England, France and Germany to study social problems.

*Senor Calles will not assume the duties of President of the United States of Mexico until Dec. 1, 1924, when the term of President Obregon expires.