Monday, Jul. 07, 1924
A sort of reciprocity scheme to give immediate and efficient help to artists in distress in Vienna has been put into practice and is said to have proved a success. A number of influential citizens have combined to guarantee a certain sum a month, each one contributing 300,000 kronen (about $4.20). "This money is to supply artists, who in exchange are bound to place their work at half price-- fixed in mutual agreement--at the disposal of the members of the Society. The money resulting from sales is used to pay back the amount obtained by the artists, as far as it is not covered 'by the works that have passed into the hands of the creditors. If a profit is realized the artist gets a certain percentage of it, while the rest is set aside to form a fund covering inevitable losses. It takes from the artist the care of daily existence, giving him the opportunity of selling his works at reasonable prices to a circle of amateurs, who become especially interested in his art."