Monday, Jul. 07, 1924

Milk Fund

"We want milk!" cried the poor children of Manhattan.

"We want blood!" cried the public.

Ten strong men were found to lacerate one another in the Yankee Stadium. The children were fed; the public gorged.

P: The chief lacerators were Harry Greb, untiring Pittsburgh dervish, and Ted Moore, British challenger for Greb's world's middleweight boxing title. Moore's "beak"* and "button"/- afforded the champion 15 rounds of target practice with few interruptions.

P: Staggering blindly, Ermino Spalla, Italian Colossus, sought refuge on the floor from the rude jars dealt him by Gene Tunney, American light-heavyweight champion; was declared technically unconscious in the seventh round.

P: Old Black Joe Gans, his head bending low, heard no gentle voices calling as he parted painfully with his "colored middle-weight championship." What he heard, and felt, was the "sock, sock" of dusky Larry Estridge's hard-driven mittens.

P: Young Stribling, truant "Georgia schoolboy," flashed to a decision over Tommy Loughran, Philadelphia light-heavyweight. Two heavy nonentities padded out the program.

Figures: Attendance, 45,000; gate, $200,000; for the Milk Fund, $75,000.

*Nose. /-Chin.