Monday, Jun. 23, 1924
After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:
Six and twenty ravishing' photographs of a statuesque authoress. (P. 17.)
Calvin Coolidge. "Has he a sense of humor? Emphatically yes!" (P. 3.)
Patriotic airs of the Civil War. (P.
Short sleeves, open collars and signs of toil. (P. 25.)
Another group of workers. (P. 26.)
M. Doumergue. "He was the best and biggest. He was splendid." (P. 10.)
Personal chit-chat about beautiful and important people. (P. 17.)
Ahmed Zogu--"energetic, educated, wealthy, severe." (P. 11.) "The greatest country the world has ever known." (P. 3.)
Stomachache acquired delightfully on Devon strawberries. (P. 14.)
A very sacred part of what goes into the Cathedral. (P. 19.)
Such places as those of Dr. J. B. Murphy and Ernest B. Dane. (P. 28.)
A Melody in A Major "played by Fritz Kreisler for some time before its author was known." (P. 7.)
Bad men and bad women, mock turtle soup, roast chicken, ice cream. (P. 19.)