Monday, Jun. 16, 1924
Republican Ladies
Political bands have learned a new tune, The Ladies are Coming. Four years ago women were first recognized by the National Republican organization. The form of the recognition consisted chiefly in the appointment of Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton as Vice Chairman of the National Executive Committee. Next Fall Mrs. Upton is going to run in the 19th Ohio district as a candidate for the Republican nomination for Congressman. Meanwhile she offered her resignation as Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee.
But the Republicans could not afford to backslide in the recognition of women. Accordingly William M. Butler appointed Mrs. Alvin Tobias Hert of Kentucky, widow of the late "Tobe" Hert, former National Committeeman from Kentucky, to the vacant post. To recognize still further the sex, Mrs. J. Willis Martin of Philadelphia was elected Chairman of the Committee on Permanent Organization of the Convention--the Committee which was to select Frank W. Mon'dell for its permanent Chairman.