Monday, Jun. 09, 1924
COMING. During the past week the following men and women arrived in the U.S. on the following ships:
On the Homeric (White Star)--William Pierson Hamilton, onetime son-in-law of the late J. P. Morgan; S. Knopf, brother of Alfred Knopf, publisher.
On the Berengaria (Cunard)--R. Livingston Beeckman, onetime Governor of Rhode Island; L. Heilbroner, of Weber & Heilbroner (haberdashery) ; Gennaro Papi, conductor of the Metropolitan Opera; Oscar S. Straus, onetime U. S. Ambassador to Turkey.
GOING. During the past week the following men and women left the U.S. on the following ships:
On the Aquitania (Cunard)--Sir Alfred Robbins, head of the Council of Freemasons in Great Britain; E. Francis Hyde, onetime Vice President of the Central Trust Co.; Bernard Gallant, proprietor of the Club Gallant, Manhattan restaurant recently padlocked by Prohibition enforcement officers; Ho Kom Tong, Chinese banker bound for London to be knighted by George, R. I.; Harry Pilcer, onetime dancing partner of Gaby Deslys; Miss M. Carey Thomas, President Emeritus of Bryn Mawr.
On the Celtic (White Star)--Bertrand Russell, Socialist, who has been scolding in the U. S. for the past two months; May Sinclair, English novelist.
On the Homeric (White Star)--Lady Diana Manners and her husband Alfred Duff Cooper; Cosmo Hamilton, dramatist and novelist, brother of Sir Philip Gibbs; George F. Baker, famed banker; Eberhard Faber (lead pencils) ; May Wilson Preston, illustrator.
On the Conte Verde (Lloyd Sabaudo) --Seymour L. Cromwell, onetime President of the New York Stock Exchange; Tito Schipa, tenor of the Chicago Opera Company, bound for Italy where he will be decorated by Benito; James M. Beck, famed Solicitor General of the U.S.
On the Minnewaska (Atlantic Transport)--Vincent Richards, member of the U. S. Olympic tennis team.
On the Muenchen (North German Lloyd)--Captain Paul Koenig, one-time commander of the submarine Deutschland, now Marine Superintendent of the North German Lloyd at Bremen.
On the President Harding (United States)--Michael Tsemados, Greek Minister to the U. S., and Mrs. Tsemados.
Mrs. Andrew Carnegie was erroneously reported as having sailed last week on the Baltic with her daughter, Mrs. Roswell Miller. They cancelled their passage.