Monday, Jun. 09, 1924

The Legislative Week The Senate:


The Legislative Week The Senate:

P:Passed a bill to increase the salaries of post office employes, at an annual expenditure of $60,000,000, by vote of 73 to 3.

P:Passed a House bill giving the Secretary of Commerce authority to close portions of Alaskan waters in order to preserve fish. P:Passed a bill, proposed by Senator Pittman, authorizing the Treasury to purchase silver in order to rescue American silver mines from depression.

P:Passed a supply bill appropriating funds for the legislative establishments.

P:Ratified a treaty with Great Britain for perserving the halibut fisheries of the North Pacific. P:Adopted, 61 to 23, a House resolution for an amendment to the Constitution, giving Congress authority to regulate child labor. The Amendment now goes to the states for ratification.

The House:

P:Passed a bill for the prevention and control of social diseases in the District of Columbia. P:Passed a bill for developing Capital parks and playgrounds, at an annual cost of $1,100,000. P:Passed a bill providing for the construction of eight scout cruisers, six river gunboats, and installation of oil-burning boilers in six battleships. P:Debated at length the McNary-Haugen Farm Relief Bill. P:By a vote of 221 to 157, supported a concurrent resolution to adjourn sine die on Saturday, June 7. (The resolution had not yet come up in the Senate.)

P:Passed a bill for increasing postal employes' salaries (at an annual cost of $64,000,000) by vote of 250 to 14.