Monday, Jun. 02, 1924

At Court

The first and second Courts under the Labor regime and of the season were held by King George and Queen Mary at Buckingham Palace.

The King and Queen, followed by the Prince of Wales, the Duke and Duchess of York, Prince George, Prince and Princess Arthur of Connaught, the Princess Royal, Princess Beatrice, Princess Helena Victoria, Princess Marie Louise, and preceded by the Lord Chamberlain and other officials walking backwards and carrying their white wands of office, made their way from the White Drawing Room through the State Apartments to the Ballroom.

On a low dais, in front of twin thrones, Their Majesties took their stand, while a band played the national anthem and the remainder of the Royal Family grouped themselves on the dais. Then the presentation began. Each guest made a general bow or courtesy to Their Majesties and then, on approaching closer, one to the King and one to the Queen, afterwards passing out to another room in which supper was served.

In the diplomatic circle U. S. Ambassador and Mrs. Kellogg presented: Frederick A. Sterling, Frederic R. Dolbear, Herbert S. Goold and Mrs. Goold, Percy Blair, William H. Taylor, Captain Charles L. Hussey and Mrs. Hussey, Commander F. J. Geary, Commander Jerome C. Hunsaker, Major Stewart O. Elling and Mrs. Elling, Major Howard C. Davison and Mrs. Davison, Walter S. Tower and Mrs. Tower, Boyston A. Beal and Miss Eliza Beal.

In the official circle were presented: Miss Ishbel MacDonald, daughter of Premier MacDonald, and hostess of No. 10 Downing Street; Mrs. Snowden, wife of Philip, Chancellor of the Exchequer; J. H. Thomas, Secretary of State for the Colonies, and Mr. Thomas' three daughters.

In the general circle, Mrs. Kellogg presented: Mrs. Joseph Leiter, of Washington; Miss Elizabeth Ottis, of St. Paul, Minn.; Miss Mary Abernathy, of Kansas City, Mo.; Miss Alice Archibald, of Paris; Mrs. Howard Donovan, of Illinois; Miss Natalie Hammond, of Washington; Mrs. William Dana Orcutt, of Boston; Miss Dorothy Sewell, of Washington; Miss Constance Deighton Simpson, of Los Angeles; Miss Eliza Wallace, of Plainfield, N. J.; Mrs. B. Armstead Davis, of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Deming Jarves, residing at Dinard, France; Mrs. John B. Kendrick, wife of Senator Kendrick, of Wyoming; Mrs. George Percy, Boston; Mrs. Arthur Woods, Manhattan; Mrs. James Brady Mitchell, New York; the Misses Mimi Brokaw, Manhattan; Helen Crocker, San Francisco; Rosamaye Kendrick, daughter of Senator Kendrick, of Wyoming, and Georgette Madilla, Washington, D. C.