Monday, May. 26, 1924

French Friendship

Off to Tokyo went Marshal Martial Merlin, French Governor General of Indo-China. Said the Marshal upon arrival: "I do not doubt that we will be able to lay the foundations of future accords which will be profitable to both France and Japan."

The purpose of the visit was: 1) To congratulate the Prince Regent and his consort in the name of France upon their marriage; 2) to express the sympathy of France for the earthquake of last Fall; 3) to extend the provisions of a new treaty of commerce, now being negotiated in Paris between the two nations, to Indo-China; 4) to determine whether the Treaty of Guarantees/= has been abrogated by the Four

Power Pact of Washington, or whether it still remains in force.

Commented the Japanese press:

Corosu: "The Anglo-Japanese alliance now is past history, while our relations with the United States and Russia are assuming a grave aspect. At such a juncture a Franco-Japanese rapprochement is highly desirable."

Kokumin: "The connection between France and Indo-China has not been close. This defect must be rectified in order to safeguard the peace of the Pacific."

Asahi: "France and Japan have a duty to perform in Asia.

"The Franco-Japanese Convention of 1907 has done much toward safeguarding the peace of the Far East. However, no measures so far have been taken to strengthen the tie of friendship between Indo-China and Japan."

/= Treaty of Guarantees, signed in 1907, was to maintain and protect the status quo of both countries on the Asiatic continent, to guarantee the independence and territorial integrity of China.