Monday, May. 26, 1924
Ad Absurdum
War Lord Leon Trotzky's speech for the week was made to a convention of scientists in Moscow. The War Lord asked that special attention be given to the reestablishment of chemical factories in the Don and Kuban provinces, stated that the Red Army must be equipped with poison gas.
Fear of the U. S. making war on Russia was the reason for Leon's concern. Said he: "Russia should organize because nobody knows in what dreams the American bourgeoisie is indulging. . . . We shall be able to say to America: 'We are endeavoring to counterfeit your gases and hope to succeed, but if you try to counterfeit our Red Army you will never succeed.'
"We are in a position of fullest assurance in declaring that, in case war is forced upon us, our Red Army of workmen and peasants will fight like lions in defense of the Soviet Republic."