Monday, May. 19, 1924

In Lebanon

Edward Winterborne, pastor of the Faith Tabernacle of Lebanon, Pa., is leader of a most curious and obstinate flock. Diphtheria is ravaging his congregation. Seven have died. Fifty others are seriously ill. And yet a Mrs. Roth, whose husband and two children died last week, announced with infinite faith: 'I would rather have my children and myself dead and on our way to Heaven than to be saved by medicine and go to

Hell!" In response to an edict of The Faith Tabernacle, the entire sect has refused the services of local physicians; medical science is barred from the homes of all its members. The local health authorities have quarantined both the Tabernacle itself (a $60,000 brick structure), and the homes of nine families. Legal action has been started on the count that they disobeyed the State law in not having their children vaccinated before school age. Alderman Miller: "I am sorry that I can merely hold Winterborne for court on the State charge ... I consider his action in advising the people against the calling of physicians as nothing short of murder!"