Monday, May. 19, 1924
A Measuring Stick
Group bashfulness is unknown in the U. S. Every group says in so many words "This is what we demand," and then proceeds to lay out a platform on how the country should be conducted. The chief differences between groups, aside from their demands, is the seriousness with which politicians listen to their proposals. One of the foremost groups in this respect is Labor.
Last week the Non-Partisan Political Campaign Committee of the American Federation of Labor set forth its demands. The declaration was signed by Samuel Gompers, Frank Morrison, James O'Connell. It called for :
More honesty in Government.
Strict immigration restriction.
A child labor amendment.
A soldier bonus.
Abolition of the Railway Labor Board.
Abolition of injunctions against Labor.
Repeal of the Sherman Law.
Tax reduction.
Power for Congress by two-thirds vote to reenact a law declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
Modification of the Volstead Act.
International cooperation, with the League of Nations and World Court as acceptable methods.
The declaration added: "By these demands, platforms, parties and candidates for whatever office they may seek will be measured by American Labor."