Monday, May. 19, 1924
To be buried from the White House is a signal honor, seldom conferred even upon those of Cabinet rank. The honor was accorded Mrs. Hubert Work, wife of the Secretary of the Interior, whose sudden death took place in the Capital last week. Funeral services were held in the East Room of the White House. She was buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Only three times before, have funerals been held in the White House. The first occasion was in 1844. President Tyler with his Secretary of State, Abel P. Upshur, and his Secretary of the Navy, Thomas W. Gilmer, went down the Potomac aboard the Princeton to observe some tests of a large new gun. The gun was of wrought iron and exploded on the third shot, killing both
Secretaries and several others. They were buried from the White House. The second occasion was during the Civil War when an officer was shot hauling down a Confederate flag at Alexandria. The third occasion was in 1890 when the wife and daughter of Secretary of the Navy Tracy died, when their house burned to the ground.