Monday, May. 05, 1924
The Fairy Prince
The New York World made a startling announcement and seasoned-it with a liberal dose of sal Atticum. The announcement was to the effect that "Wales" was not indisposed toward matrimony with the fair Ileana, 15-year-old daughter of the King and Queen of Rumania.
The World's "scoop" seemed to be based upon the following facts: P: That the Rumanian Monarchs are to visit London during the London season.
P:That Queen Marie, wife of Ferdinand and famed as "the ablest diplomat of the Balkans," once told "an
Ambassador" that she intended to marry Ileana off to "the handsomest and most powerful prince."
P:That the Prince's attitude to the Princess "appears not unfavorable," and that he referred to her as a "jolly little kid" and a "good sport." P:That "Wales" had made it known that "when I marry I must marry a girl who knows the job, for it would be unfair to ask any one who has not been trained to such work to take it on," and, apparently, Ileana knows "the job." C That the queen of a famed Rumanian Tzigane tribe made the following prophesy: "You will wed with a fair Prince whose kingdom shall be over all seas and in all lands. You will wed for love, and love will be your word and shield. The crown which they will set upon your head will be heavy, but very bright, and love will ease your brow of its weight."
P:That the Prince had replied to the soundings of the intriguing Queen Marie "in a manner not discouraging."