Monday, Apr. 14, 1924

Forward, Hearst!

Some while back, there appeared in Charles D. Gibson's Life a two-page cartoon which struck terror into the heart of the observer. It depicted a hideous reptile crawling across the map of the U. S. Its tail was securely planted in San Francisco. Part of its belly burdened New York. One lugubrious paw had Chicago in its clutch, another Los Angeles. An outstretched limb had already grabbed Albany, the giant fore paw overshadowed Washington. Of the face of the beast there could be no question. It was the heavy-hanging face of William Randolph Hearst.

During the war, Mr. Hearst owned the following newspapers: San Francisco Examiner New York American New York Evening Journal Chicago American Los Angeles Examiner Boston Evening American Atlanta Georgian Atlanta Sunday American Washington Times Wisconsin Evening News Boston Advertiser Chicago Herald & Examiner

In 1922 he purchased:

Washington Herald Detroit Times Seattle Post-Intelligencer Oakland Post-Enquirer San Francisco Call-Post Los Angeles Herald Rochester Evening Journal Rochester Sunday American

Syracuse Evening Telegram Syracuse Sunday American

In 1923 he purchased:

Fort Worth Record Baltimore Evening News Baltimore American Rochester Journal & Post-Express

Last week his efforts to get an Albany paper succeeded in the purchase of the Albany Times-Union. This acquisition gives Mr. Hearst the biggest circulation of any publisher in upstate New York; Rochester, Syracuse and now Albany.

The Albany Times-Union was formerly owned by Martin H. Glynn, ex-Governor. Mr. Hearst in consideration of $750,000 received 4,997 shares. His

New York associate, Joseph A. Moore, got 2 shares. The General Manager got 1. Mr. Glynn, so at least the paper said, will remain as Editor. But Mr. Glynn will take a long rest, probably in Europe. On the first day of Hearst ownership the paper proclaimed:

"There will be no change in the policy of the Times-Union. It will continue to be the people's paper."

There are twelve cities in the U. S. with over 500,000 inhabitants. Of these five are without a Hearst paper: Philadelphia, Cleveland, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Buffalo.