Monday, Apr. 14, 1924


Sadi Lecointe, famed aeronaut, holder of the world's altitude record (TIME, Aug. 13), announced his candidacy for the Chamber of Deputies. He will run on the Radical-Socialist ticket in a Paris constituency.

The tomb of Chateaubriand, famed philosopher whose name is identical with that of the only passable French imitation of a beefsteak, is endangered by the wild Atlantic surges. His grave is on the cliffs facing the sea on the Island of Grand Bey, off St. Malo. Winter storms have cut under the cliff, and the tomb may have to be moved further back.

French population increased in 1923. There were 22,000 fewer deaths and an increase of 2,000 births. The excess of births over deaths was 94,000 Thus is courage given to opponents of race suicide in France.

The City Council of Paris discussed a project to tax all foreigners who remain more than 48 hours in the gay and wicked capital of the French. Paris has 400,000 foreign residents, and entertains about 700,000 tourists annually.

Le Comte de Bresson brought before Parliament a proposal to construct canals running from St. Nazaire, the French port, to Switzerland and linking up with the great Central European canals. If adopted the canal would afford continuous water traffic from the Atlantic Ocean to the Black Sea, across France and along the Danube. The brain of Voltaire, famed cynic, philosopher, friend of Frederick the Great, grandfather of rationalism and the French Revolution, was offered the Comedie Franc,aise as a gift by a descendant of the undertaker who embalmed the body of the great writer. The gift will be placed on public exhibition. Voltaire's heart was recently discovered in a storeroom of the French National Library.