Monday, Apr. 07, 1924
Olympic Polo
Twenty ponies will be put aboard the Rochambeau, sailing for France, April 19. They constitute the equine part of the Olympic polo team which is to meet England, France, Belgium, Spain and the Argentine, from June 19 to July 4.
The riders and mallet-bearers are
Thomas Hitchcock, Jr., of New York, captain; Rodman Wanamaker 2nd, of Philadelphia; Elmer J. Boeseke, Jr., of California, and Frederick Roe of Texas. The substitute is George S. Moore of California.
Wanamaker is in France playing in the Cannes Tournament. Hitchcock has been playing at Camden, S. C, and Boeseke at Coronado, Calif.
Most famous of the four is Tommy Hitchcock, who helped to win the International Challenge Cup from England in 1921, and who is sure to represent America again in September when the Britishers come to Meadow Brook.