Monday, Mar. 31, 1924

New York to Newport

Mrs. Paul Fitz Simons of Manhattan and Newport is back of a plan to revive the air route between the two cities. Last year successful operation by the Loening Aircraft Co. was terminated by a fatal accident to H. Cary Morgan (TIME, July 30), but the route remains a most promising one, and the airport (built at great expense by the Newport Chamber of Commerce) is still available. To avoid the treacherous air currents and busy traffic of the East River, or the lower Hudson, the planes would fly between Newport and New Haven, connecting with fast New York trains. Instead of a painful and lengthy journey from Newport to Wickford, Wickford to Wickford Junction by train, Wickford Junction to New Haven by boat, passengers would have a more-or-less pleasant 50 minutes in the air. The Aeromarine Airways, now working successfully in Florida, would be the operators of the line.