Monday, Mar. 17, 1924

A Young Collegian

On the 21st of August, 1909, one Ralph Rose of Michigan picked up a 16-lb. lead ball and heaved it 51 feet. No one has ever done better. In 1917, Paddy McDonald, a New York cop, picked up a similar ball and heaved it 47 feet 7 1/2 inches, thereby setting a national championship mark for the A. A. U. Last week Paddy, white-haired and portly, tried again in the A. A. U. meet in Manhattan. The best he could get was a third place. But a young collegian, a mere junior at Princeton, Ralph Hills, stepped forward and heaved the leaden ball 47 feet 11 1/2 inches, setting a new National A. A. U. mark. Three feet and half an inch still remains to the world's mark. But Hills is young. He may yet grow to full stature.