Monday, Mar. 17, 1924
At Luxor
Peacemaker Breasted. Efforts were made to approach a settlement between the Egyptian Government, on the one hand, and the Countess Carnarvon and Howard Carter, on the other, in the dispute (TiME, Feb. 25 et seq.), over TutankhAmen's tomb. Dr. James Henry Breasted, distinguished American archeologist and historian, who has been in Egypt all Winter, along with many other savants, agreed to act as mediator and started negotiations, but without much optimism. Dr. Breasted, Professor of Egyptology and Director of the Haskell Oriental Museum at the University of Chicago, is internationally respected as one of the two or three greatest authorities on Egypt. He has written many standard works; his Ancient Times is known to thousands of schoolboys and laymen as fascinating reading as well as sound history. If any man deserves to succeed in this task, it is Dr. Breasted.
Guests, Bulls, Sheiks. The official reopening of the tomb by the Government took place as scheduled. One hundred and seventy invited guests included High Commissioner and Lady Allenby, the diplomatic corps, Egyptian dignitaries and M. Fougart, head of the French archeologists in Egypt, but none of the British or American scholars. The occasion was made a political spectacle, the Zaghlulist party (supporters of the Premier) cheering this show of Egyptian defiance to the English-speaking world. Ancient ceremonies of the Pharaohs were revived when two sacred bulls were killed in the centre of Luxor. Thousands of natives and sheiks thronged the streets. The arrangements and lighting in the tomb were very efficiently carried out by the Antiquities Service.