Monday, Mar. 17, 1924


During 1923 there were:

Births 758,386

Deaths 444,869

Increase in population 313,517 Despite this the birth rate was 19.7 per mille, the lowest figure on record for a normal year; the death rate was also lower at 11.6 per mille. The year as a whole was said to be the healthiest on record.

Viscount Knebworth, Oxford, son of the Earl of Lytton, knocked out his London University opponent in a welterweight competition. This was taken to prove that the young peerage is not entirely useless.

An earthquake in England? Yes, in

Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. No damage was caused, except to the chimney pots of a village named Sutton in Ashfield.

Dr. Edwin L. Ash said that the celebrated London fogs are real varieties of mustard poisoning. He added that many children have contracted "fog poisoning."