Monday, Mar. 17, 1924

The Realm of Prophecy

When it comes to discussing the efficiency of the 68th Congress, there is much to be said on three sides. Senator Wadsworth, Republican of New York: "Since I have been in the Senate, I have never seen so little accomplished in a relative period as during this session. This time last year we had passed all the appropriation bills. I can tell in one word what this Congress has done--nothing. The reason for it is that the radical bloc and the investigation hysteria have tied up the Senate. . . . The result will be that there will be no railroad or farm legislation. We may be able to get through tax reduction and immigration bills. It does not look as if any other bills will pass outside of the appropriation measures." Senator La Follette, Insurgent Republican from Wisconsin: "While there has been no relief for the farmers and other measures which I desired, I do not think this session has been entirely fruitless. We have successfully investigated the Government oil leases and uncovered evidence of corruption on the part of Government officials. When we get through the investigation, we will turn to and pass relief measures for the farmers." Senator Robinson, Democrat of Arkansas: "Only one general appropriation bill has been passed, and no other substantial legislation has ever .been considered. This is due to the fact that the Republican majority has no program and has refrained from bringing forward important legislative proposals. The tax reduction bill will pass, and it is likely that an adjusted compensation measure will be sent to the President. If he vetoes them, both may fail of passage over his objection. I do not care to go further into the realm of prophecy."