Monday, Mar. 10, 1924
The Egyptian Government, after breaking open the sealed tomb of TutankhAmen (TIME, Feb. 25, Mar. 3), making an inventory of the contents of the tomb and laboratory, lowering the lid of the sarcophagus to insure the safety of the gold mummy case and covering various relics for protection, sealed the doors of the two rooms still untouched. Howard Carter was not present, is still relying on his suits in the Cairo courts. The officials sanctioned the opening of the tomb to thousands of eager visitors for ten days from Mar. 1, after which it will again be closed until a decision is reached on the continuance of the work.
Negotiations to effect an amicable settlement with the Egyptian government began. The mediator on behalf of Lady Carnarvon and Howard Carter is Dr. James Breasted, American archeologist. The outlook is not encouraging.