Monday, Mar. 10, 1924

Ecclesiastical Affairs

P:Newspapers published the picture* of Right Reverend William Temple, Bishop of Manchester, 43, son of the illustrious late Archbishop of Canterbury. Rumor picked him to succeed Archbishop Randall Davidson, 76, who, it was said, would resign on account of age. True, Bishop Temple has friends in the Labor Government; but Archbishop Davidson is unlikely to give a Labor Government the chance to appoint his successor. Furthermore, a slight acquaintance with Canterburian tradition would reveal that its Archbishops yield only to death.

P:Meanwhile, the World Alliance for International Friendship through the Churches, presented to His Grace, the Archbishop of Canterbury, a formal invitation to head the speakers' list at the meeting in Buffalo, Nov. 11-13, and thereafter to address great American audiences. The Archbishop is world president of the Alliance.

P: "Services to humanity" rendered by Governor General Leonard Wood in the Philippines brought him the Medal of Peace conferred by the Pope. The oldest and strongest Christian body in the Philippines is the Roman Catholic. Mgr. Beliveau, Archbishop of St. Boniface, Manitoba, categorically forbade women and girls to wear knickers in winter sports. "Dangerous and immodest."

Cardinal O'Connell, of Boston, arrived in Rome after a visit to the Holy Land. The Osservatore Romana, Vatican journal, commented upon the warm reception accorded to the Cardinal in Jerusalem. "This attests two things: First, the prestige which accompanies a Cardinal of the Roman Church wherever he goes, and second, the great value Palestine attaches to the interest America takes in her recent new destiny. With Cardinal O'Connell on his pilgrimage went the good wishes of millions of Americans." Said Cardinal O'Connell: "There is darkness in the Near East, where the peoples do not enjoy the blessings which Christianity has brought to the people of the West." Marshal Tsao-Kuen, War Lord, new President of China, communicated to the Pope the news of his election together with assurances of China's friendship.

Cardinal Logue, Primate of Ireland, in his Lenten pastoral, threatened to refuse holy communion to women not modestly dressed. "The tradition that Irish women are modest must be maintained."

P:Tikhon, unfrocked Patriarch of Russia, fainted in the Donskoy Monastery. Suffering from arteriosclerosis, he may die.

P:Architects, officially assembling in Cincinnati, said that $200,000,000 will be spent on church building in the U. S. this year.

P:Paralysis attacked Homer C. Stuntz, Methodist, in Florida. Missionary in India and the Philippines, mission board secretary, bishop in South America and in Omaha, he dealt sternly last year with J. M. D. Buckner, a liberal preacher.

P:Cornelius Woelfkin, pastor of the Park Avenue Baptist Church, said: "Our practice of excluding members of other denominations unless they are baptized again in our way (immersion) is out of harmony with the spirit that is growing in the churches." He indicated that his church would no longer insist on immersion.

P: Right Reverend Kogoro Uzaki, presiding bishop of the Japan Methodist Church, was reflected for four years.

P: Nehemiah Boynton, famed whiskered preacher of Brooklyn, and Hamilton Holt, onetime editor of the recently bankrupt Independent, will tour Idaho, Washington, Montana, North Dakota, for a month. Their theme is the World Court.

*He resembles the Pope, wears glasses.