Monday, Mar. 10, 1924

A Good Snapper

The Democratic National Committee pointed with pride to the Democratic whip of the House. A whip has the difficult job of rounding up his party's followers and having them on the floor when every important vote is taken. Representative William A. Oldfield, of Arkansas, just entering upon his 16th year in the House, is whip for the Democrats. The feat for which the National Committee commended him proved him to be a very knout and bastinado. In the voting on the tax reduction bill in the House, the Democrats succeeded in substituting the Garner surtax rates for those of the Mellon plan. Later the Garner rates were stricken out (when the Republican insurgents went back to their party), but at the high tide of Democratic success, Whip Oldfield assembled on the floor all but three Democratic members. One was at a funeral. Two were lying at the point of death.*

*One of these, Representative Dupre of Louisiana, died next day. (TIME, Mar. 3).