Monday, Mar. 03, 1924
President Hohenzollern!
Under the leadership of the noted publicist, Wilhelm Hall-Halfen, a concerted effort was being made to run ex-Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm for President of the German Republic. Said Hall-Halfen: "We do not expect that Prince Wilhelm will accept now, but 3,000,000 German voters are already behind him, with more joining daily. The recent State Assembly elections prove that German sentiment is swinging toward the Right, which will aid the Prince Wilhelm campaign by making his candidacy irresistible."
But the Crown Prince seems to frown upon politics. "The Prince," it was reported, "only goes deer hunting occasionally; and if he goes to Breslau he returns to Oels as quietly as he came. This makes the chances of the Crown Prince very poor indeed."
The Monarchists are very disappointed that "Willy" refuses to take advantage of the publicity that his supporters offer.