Monday, Feb. 25, 1924


Count Giovanni Manzoni, former Italian Minister to Yugo-Slavia, was slated as first Italian Ambassador to Soviet Russia.

The Eleftheron Vima of Athens published a report that an Italo-Greco-Rumanian treaty of friendship was shortly to be concluded. Confirmation was lacking.

King Victorio Emmanuele is to visit Fiume soon after the ratification of the recent Italo-Yugo-Slavian treaty (TIME, Feb. 4).

For 400 years Cursolo and Orasso, small villages, have engaged in litigation over the ownership of a large towering rock in the mountains, a claim to which neither has been willing to surrender. Following precedent established by some of the Great Powers, the villages decided to submit the case to arbitration.

Inhabitants of Fiume petitioned Benito in Rome to honor Whitney Warren, famed U. S. architect, and Gabriele d'Annunzio, Italy's intrepid poet-airman, both of whom advocated "Fiume for the Italians," by placing their statues outside the Government building. As an amende honorable to the late President Wilson, Fiumians suggested naming a street after him. One is also to be named after Mussolini.