Monday, Feb. 18, 1924
Mary Dogma
Santa Maria Plena Gratia (Blessed Mary "full of grace,") is not, will not, and cannot, in Roman Catholic belief, be God.
The Roman correspondent of The Chicago Tribune caused a tumult of confusion on this point by cabling that the forthcoming definition of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin "amounts to deification" (TiME, Jan. 14).
The Catholic belief in her Assumption is simply that "Mary, the Mother of God, was taken up into heaven, not by her own power, but by the power of God. Christ 'arose' from the tomb because he was God; Mary was 'assumed' because she was the most favored among all the children of God." This belief has been long and widely held. At the General Council, which may meet in 1925, the belief may be finally defined. That is all.
The ignorant Roman correspondent of the Chicago Tribune is said to have been discharged.