Monday, Feb. 11, 1924
The Legislative Week
The Senate:
P:Devoted the major part of its week to lengthy discussion of the naval reserve oil leases.
P:Passed the Walsh resolution authorizing the President to appoint special counsel, with the Senate's "advice and consent" to prosecute oil frauds and instiute suit for voiding the oil leases in dispute.
P:On the day following Mr. Wilson's death, heard eulogies by Senator Robinson of Arkansas and Senator Lodge of Mass., then adjourned.
The House:
P:Like the Senate, discussed the naval oil leases at length.
P:Passed without a record vote the appropriation bill for the Department of the Interior carrying $262,000,000. P: Passed a bill for the establishment of a broom factory at Leavenworth Penitentiary.
P:Took up consideration of the appropriation bill for the Treasury and Post Office Departments for $729,858,451, the largest supply bill ever before Congress in time of peace. P: On the day following Mr. Wilson's death, heard eulogies by Representative Longworth of Ohio and Representative Garrett of Tennessee, then adjourned.