Monday, Feb. 04, 1924

Hospitals, Internes

According to the third annual hospital number of the Journal of the American Medical Association, there are now 6,830 hospitals in the U. S., as compared with 6,152 in 1920. The total bed capacity is 755,722. Since 1906 the number of hospitals has more than doubled. The largest increase has been in hospitals of from 25 to 50 beds.

Of the 6,830 hospitals, 5,005, or 73.3%, are general hospitals, 1,825, or 26.7%. are special hospitals--a reflection of the extent to which specialization in medicine is increasing. Furthermore, most large general hospitals also supply numbers of beds for specialistic purposes.

The total number of internes and resident physicians is 7,933. The total demand for internes is 4,656 but only have been obtained. The incased enrollment in medical schools during the past few years will help to relieve the shortage.

Among the methods used to obtain internes are the offering of unusual educational opportunities chiefly, but also in some instances the giving of a small salary. Out of 3,717 internes serving in 660 hospitals approved for interne training, 1,863 received no salary whatever.