Monday, Feb. 04, 1924
Pope Pius XI officially notified the Bishop of France that he approved the formation of "associations diocesaines" (TIME, Jan. 21).
Under the Law of Separation of 1905, the Catholic Church was stripped of all her property rights in France. They are now, for practical purposes, restored.
The ingenious device of "diocesan associations" is the diplomatic child of Cardinal Gasparri and Premier Poincare, skillfully nursed by Mgr. Ceretti, able nuncio at Paris. Under this arrangement, Church property will be controlled by a corporation in every diocese. The head of each corporation is a bishop. The bishop is subject to the Church. Thus, for practical purposes, the Church owns the property.
Nevertheless, the Pope points out that this arrangement is admittedly a compromise, not entirely satisfactory. While he urges all bishops to adopt the plan, he does not insist. Most French bishops accept the compromise, but some "diehards" resent it.