Monday, Feb. 04, 1924

The Legislative Week

The Senate:

P:Heard debates on tax reduction, the proposed flight of the Shenandoah to the North Pole, Teapot Dome disclosures, a 40,000-word report on Russia by Senator King of Utah, who visited Russia last Summer. P: Ratified two conventions with Mexico, negotiated last Summer (TIME, Aug. 27) for adjusting mutual claims. P: Voted, without dissenting voice, to withdraw from Committee a resolution of Senator Caraway of Arkansas to cancel the Teapot Dome Oil lease.

The House:

P:Considered over a period of several days the appropriations bill for the Department of the Interior. P: Passed a bill granting Mrs. Florence Kling Harding the mail franking privilege (previously passed by the Senate). P: Passed a resolution for a joint session of Congress to be held on Feb. 27 in memory of President Harding, to be addressed by Secretary Hughes. By the resolution, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, the Cabinet, the Supreme Court and State Governors are invited to attend.