Monday, Jan. 28, 1924

Chicken Trust

Washington does not like trusts arid does not propose to let them operate unassailed. The eagle eye of the Federal authorities ranges high and low; it fears not the mighty in their seat nor does it overlook the humble and meek.

The latest alleged trust to come under Federal surveillance deals in chickens, and is named the Live Poultry Dealers' Protective Association. This organization must now be as good as its title, and protect itself against the charge of being organized and of operating for the purpose of fixing the price of poultry. The claim is made that the Association is so large that the price set by its Price Committee affects all factors in the trade from producer to consumer, in all our large cities.

Complaints have poured in to Federal authorities that the chicken market has been rigged (or, to use a politer term current in the money market, "stabilized" by the Association. U. S. District Attorney Haywood has consequently filed a petition to enjoin the continuance of present practices of the Association.

The President of the alleged Chicken Trust is Samuel Goldstein; Vice-President, David Hirschhorn; Secretary, Julius Kastein; Assistant Treasurer, Jacob Reisner, and Financial Secretary Mendell Gordon.