Monday, Jan. 21, 1924
Engaged. Gene Sarazen, National Professional Golf Champion, to Miss Mary Peck, of Springfield, Mass. Previously he was reported to be engaged to Miss Pauline Garon, cinema actress (TIME, Dec. 3).
Married. Miss Mary Millicent Rogers, 20, to Count Ludwig Salm von Hoogstraeten, about 40.
Married. Miss Constance Steuer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Steuer, Manhattan lawyer, who, according to his own affidavit, never obtains less than $1,000 a day for appearing in court (TIME, Oct. 29), to Alfred Milton Lindau, in Manhattan.
Sued for Divorce. Jonathan Bourne, Jr., 68, ex-U. S. Senator from Oregon (1907-1913), by Mrs. Carol B. Sperry Bourne, 43, at Mobile, Ala., where he now lives. She charged desertion. His first wife divorced him in 1913 on grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment.
Divorced. Countess Marguerite Vivienne von Bernstorff, from Count Gunther von Bernstorff, son of the former German Ambassador to the U. S.
Divorced. Sebastian S. Kresge, Ten Cent Store operator and Anti-Saloon League agitator, by Mrs. Anna E. Harvey Kresge, at Detroit. She charged lack of affection, accused him of five years' sulking.
Died. A wife of Raisuli*, Moroccan bandit leader, at Tazarut.
Died. Thomas Forrest, 71, ex-pugilist, one time sparring partner of John L. Sullivan and Bob Fitzsimmons, at Coney Island, N. Y., frozen in his shack. Once wealthy, he lost his money. Friends obtained a shack for him, children of the neighborhood bought him a stove, firemen supplied his meals.
Died. Signora Galli, 90, aunt of Pope Pius XI, at Milan.
Died. The Very Rev. Henry Wace, 87, Dean of Canterbury since 1903, from constitutional exhaustion. A prolific writer for 40 years, he always refrained from writing on Sunday, left his desk at the stroke of twelve on Saturday night.
Died. Dr. Albert Abrams, 61, famed inventor of "Spondylotherapy" (TIME, Nov. 12) of pneumonia, in San Francisco.
Died. Dr. Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve, 92, famed classical scholar, at Baltimore. (See page 20.)
*He had two.