Monday, Jan. 21, 1924
Le Parlement
Both Chambers of the French Parliament were opened by speeches from the lips of the oldest member. This session will be the last before the general election which takes place in the Spring.
Gustave Denis, Senate nonagenarian, in concluding his speech said: "I wish to pay homage to the League of Nations, the authority and prestige of which are steadily growing firmer. It is absolutely indispensable that this institution be assured of success in these days when all nations, whether monarchies or republics, see the spirit of democracy and civilization growing in their homelands.
"It is thanks to the League of Nations that universal peace will one day reign, and it may even succeed in drawing that unfortunate but interesting country, Russia, from the abyss."
Louis Andrieux, octogenarian Deputy, made an extemporaneous speech which kept the Chamber in roars of laughter. He is a famed humorist. As in 1923, he ended by bidding the Chamber good-bye until next January.
Senator Gaston Doumergue, veteran French statesman, was reelected President of the Senate, an office he has ably filled since the resignation of Senator Leon Bourgeois last February.